Embark on New Adventures With These Proven B2B Website Tips

With these B2B website tips, you and your customers will be flying first class. The following strategies combine substance with style in order to generate pipeline and take your business to new heights. So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s begin! 

  • Website Speed & Functionality
  • Website Security
  • Website Visuals & Design
  • Website Content & Tone
  • Website Formatting
  • SEO for Websites
  • The Customer’s Journey
  • The Rovert Digital Difference

Website Speed & Functionality – Keep It Moving!

Take the time to balance out and test the software and hardware that your website is built from: it’s the foundation of smooth website travels. Your system should have developed redundancies, AKA its own fire extinguishers which will keep any service issues in check. You can also get your website running faster by implementing code minification, image optimisation and an SSL certificate. 

Everyone has felt the acute rage of trying to use a website and being met with Error 404 – Page Not Found or tried to make a purchase only for the site to crash halfway through. Chances are, you clicked away from it and went back to stressing out about something else, right? Considering the average website conversion rate is only 2-10%, website speed and proficiency is top of the list when it comes to increasing the likelihood of customers sticking around to explore the incredible business that you run – and invest in it.

Website Security – Lock It In

This is your aeroplane seatbelt. If your website functions like it’s a relic of that chunky, dial-up monitor era, it’s not likely that customers will feel secure using it. Check your site for any malware or digital threats using strategies such as bug-detection software. Safety is key!

Website Visuals & Design – Dress to Impress

Link Equity is a gamechanger. It’s a hierarchy of internal links within your website which allow you to provide recommendations to your customers based on their experience and activity so far. It will boost your SEO by linking topics and products on your website to relevant search engine results.

Website Content & Tone – Be a Wordsmith

Consider language and tone – what kind of voice do you want your website to have? Use your word choices for messaging as a way of connecting with your target customer base.

This is a fantastic way to bring your brand identity to the fore. Whether it’s friendly, funky, classy or comedic, you can ensure your website tone sets your business apart from your competitors because your distinct personality will shine through.

Website Formatting – The Minimalist Approach

Just like going to get a gelato and being frozen in shock over the sheer volume of flavours, the value of your content will get lost if you overload website visitors with too many options. Take the minimalist approach and highlight your products in easy to access, crisp layouts which are a simple click or scroll away. This includes CTAs (Call-to-Actions) – don’t overload your prospective customers with loads of them straight away. Nobody likes pop-ups!

SEO for Websites – What’s Trending

Using SEO can boost your website’s visibility and allow you to move with the search trends, ultimately generating more leads. Try using key words that prospective customers will be looking for when they choose your website.

The Customer’s Journey – Choose Your Own Adventure

Just like travelling, everyone interprets places and things in their own way. Making your customers feel special is all about allowing them to personalise their buying experience. Understanding the customer’s journey cycle your business offers will allow you to tailor your website to the needs of your customers and generate more pipeline opportunities, as well as keeping your customers returning time and time again.

The Rovert Digital Difference – Helping Hand

We’re here to help – reach out to us for support with implementing a B2B structure into your business and prepare for take-off! For more savvy tips on website performance, check out our previous blog on 9 ways to improve your website performance to really make it run like a well-oiled machine.